Cryptocurrencies have incited an innovative streak all around the world which is hard to miss. These innovations are focused on arriving at the new uses for...
The cryptojacking investigation is picking up the pace in Japan. Japanese authorities are going after the suspected individuals across 10 prefectures of the country. It was...
The cost of mining is one of the most hit pieces run in the mainstream media. Some are to the point but vast amount of articles...
The specter of Ross Ulbricht is still haunting the American law enforcement agencies. There is another arrest related to the case. An arrest is made by...
The Central Intelligence Agency has denied a tech writers request to provide any info on the issue of Satoshi Nakamoto’s identity. The CIA responded in a...
The fusion of cryptocurrencies with other technologies have the potential to generate new dynamics for global economy. is the company which is trying to combine...
The American universities involvement with the crypto businesses is not something new. But it is rapidly increasing its pace. Ripple has announced to invest almost two...
The India’s RBI is in a limbo when dealing with cryptocurrencies. The situation is going to change very soon if Ripple’s Global head of infrastructure division,...
Nobody wants to miss the opportunity to cash in on the crypto phenomenon. Academicians wants Blockchain University, Banks wants to utilize the Blockchain to increase their...
The penetration of Blockchain is spreading its wings. Looks like the academia is not so insular after all. Oxford University was looking into offering a full-fledged...
USS Enterprise is entering the crypto universe. Captain Kirk himself has taken the baton to lead his ship through the crypto frontier. Sounds geeky! But it...
Looks like CFTC is being challenged for its oversight of the crypto. In recent weeks, CFTC was very active on the crypto front. It busted some...
Steve Bannon, CEO of the Trump’s 2016 campaign and chief Strategist is now entering into the crypto market. Bannon is clearly very cautious of the negative...
India has three million cryptocurrency users. These users were hit hard when the country’s central bank RBI i.e. Reserve Bank of India decided to close down...
Blockchain-based cryptocurrencies have shown a tremendous growth and reached almost all countries of the world. In many places it is criticized as in China cryptocurrencies are...